Starting Your New Year with a Clean Slate?

By Ben Turshen. 

Hello Friends, 

I want to help you start 2015 with a clean slate, but the unfortunate truth is that on January 1st, you don't get a clean slate. Your slate is a day more marred and scarred than it was on December 31st. 

Everyday we are being programed by experience. Our past leaves its legacy and that cannot be erased by a change of the calendar date. Despite our intellect telling us that there might be a better way of thinking and acting, our default mode of operating is based on all our yesterdays. It is the equivalent of trying to create a beautiful mural on a wall covered by decades of graffiti and filth.

The new paint does not stick, at least not in the way we intend. If we want to make a change, we need to do some cleaning first. That's what Vedic Meditation does, it clears away the decades of accumulated stress, deletes outdated programing, scrapes off the old paint. It gives us a clean slate, a fresh canvas. From there, we can build and create and evolve into our best selves. 

So if you plan to quit smoking, join a gym or start a new diet, or otherwise try to get your act together, learn Vedic Meditation first. It will give you the foundation for successful positive change. 

Wishing you the best in 2015. 

With Love and Gratitude, 


My Wish for You This Year

By Ben Turshen. 

Many of us view the new year as a clean slate, a time to re-prioritize our choices and dedicate ourselves to improving our lives and our relationships with our best intentions at hand. 

The challenge is not in the choosing itself--for the most part, we know what we should be doing. Spending time with family and friends, exercising regularly, eating healthy nutritious food, finding time to relax, being patient, kind and compassionate to others. The list goes on. The problem we face is that regardless of our intention, we are destined behave and act according to the baseline level of stress that we've accumulated in our minds and bodies. One of the greatest and most profound benefits of practicing Vedic Meditation is the efficient removal of this stress from our physiology. The result is that we are then able to function in accordance with our intention and the significance of that cannot be overstated. This is my wish for you this year.

Don't Stress The Holidays, Meditate!

By Ben Turshen. 

For most of us, the holiday season is a joy-filled time of year, yet it can also be very challenging.  We are faced with high levels of demands and expectations as the days continue to grow shorter and colder, our schedules fill up with holiday parties, even trips to visit family, or a vacation somewhere warm to escape the cold of winter.  The choice is often to "power through" and we end up missing a very special time of year being over-stressed. Vedic Meditation gives us a way to find balance, inner peace and a profoundly deep level of rest that allows us to enjoy the holiday season and begin the new year grounded, with clarity and grace.